事务: affair部门: department; branch; class; s ...后勤部: rear-service department; log ...门: entrance; exit; door; gate事务部门: back office; purser department管理部门, 事务部门: administration section家庭事务部门: home affairs department事务部门房租: rent of general office信息事务部门: is is行政管理部门, 后勤服务部门: administrative services division管理及事务部门: front and back office; frontand back office政府统计事务部门: government statistical service财务部门: finance department; treasurer's department服务部门: catering department; service department; service division; service sectors; the service sector工务部门: works departments航务部门: traffic department劳务部门: service department实务部门: substantivebranchessectionsdepartments; substantivedepartments税务部门: tax department; taxation department业务部门: bu (business unit); business agencies; business department; business division; business segments; line department; operating department; operating divisions总务部门: general affair department; general section; office department服务部门, 供应部门: service department工务部门;工程部门: works department后勤部: logistics department; rear service department; rear-service/logistics dept财务部门经理: manager in charge of finance